Here's the part I didn't "get" to finish yesterday.
19-21It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on.
Whoever said the Bible was hard to understand. The problem with this passage to me is that it's too direct. Too true.
Just wanna break it down. For myself. Everyone knows the fruits of the spirit. But to me, so much more true is the fruits of trying to get my own way. As Ps Craig just said it just now, the fruits of the 20%, abandoning the 80%, or the more harsh one, the fruits when God says "fine, do it your way."
repetitive, loveless, cheap sex
Even in writing this, it's too hypocritical. If I were to write my thoughts on this, it would just be hypocritical. Guess not everything is meant for cyberspace.
a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage
Oh this fruit, I have grown fat on. It definitely even scared me how exactly and properly phrased it is. Accumulation. It obviously doesn't happen overnight, or over one event. Mental and emotional garbage. Garbage, what's left over, of no use. That's the very things that keep going on in my head, and the emotions in my heart. Actually, I think many times, emotions are in my head too. Sigh.
frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion
Well, some rest spite here. I don't think I'm the kind of frenzied person. Neither am I persuaded by trinkets or beliefs, neither am I drawn to ability religion. Then again, perhaps my Christianity is lacking the sign and wonders following.
paranoid loneliness
Now perhaps this is the one that struck the hardest. Very very very true phrasing. It's not just loneliness that sucks. I mean, if it was just loneliness, the cure would be to just walk out of my room right now. Paranoid loneliness. It's in my head. It's been something I've been dealing with. Admittedly, things have gotten better. But I guess there's sort of this other facet that's appearing that I'm dealing with now. I still seek the answer, who are my true friends, but at the same time, Roland's words of wisdom about the wind and the clouds definitely starts to make more sense. I guess that for me, the goal is sort of two fold. Being secure, and being a friend.
cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper
A little more rest spite here, competition, I think I'm the opposite of competition, which I now realise is also a problem. All consuming wants? Hmmm... I think my issue is more with security of money. A brutal temper. Well, I guess it was nice to use the word brutal. I once was, but now, maybe a level or two below that.
an impotence to love or be loved
This I don't know. Two things come to mind. The short session with Sarah, and what Ps Phil preached just yesterday on Hope. Yup, here's more things that aren't fit for cyberspace. And if any of you are actually reading this, well, I'm guessing there aren't so yay. But once again, I'm struck by the phrasing that Eugene Peterson used. I think it's really quite true. It's not really that we don't want to, but just unable, afraid. Hope has been lost. Not having the courage to be loved, to be open. And perhaps the fact that I have things I will not write here, it shows that there are areas in my life which I'm still nursing hurts. Areas which others can openly talk of, for me, I'm still reserving it from "friends" because I still don't trust everyone enough, because I know I still can be hurt in those areas.
divided homes and divided lives
Hmm, the former I guess I know, divided lives. Not too sure what that means. Perhaps my life is still too simple. Nothing to divide it by.
small-minded and lopsided pursuits
I'm not too sure, but I think I do have small-minded pursuits. I guess it could easily be summed up by my distractions in life. If my QT is not going OK, obviously I have small-minded pursuits. What pursuit could be big when compared to my relationship with God?
the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival
Not sure if I do that. I think I'm too uncompetitive to do that. Sigh.
uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions
Haha, now this is quite easy to pinpoint. Just see what I spend most of my time doing, and tadaa~~ there you have it!
ugly parodies of community. I could go on.
This one, I don't know what it means, and with all the depressing stuff I'm already rightfully accused of, I think I don't want to find out. And I also thank God that Paul doesn't go on.
Deep inside, I wish one day I could preach on this, and point the way out of it. There's just hopes and dreams in my heart, of many sermons that I could write. But like the Iceberg principle, my 90% is still not there yet. I don't have the authority or the credibility to preach the things I know. That's all in God's sovereign plan I guess. And the very fact I said "I guess" shows the lack of both faith and vision in my life.
Hmmm... this sounds really depressing, but I thank God a wave of depression didn't hit as I was analyzing myself. I can only look forward to a time of prayer and find my peace there. Sounds lame and weak, but that's what this season of my life is about. A daily reliance on God and not on my own plans, programmes and ideas.