you typedd*:
(Sunday, February 28, 2010-)
+8:39 PM]*
# Day 59 - 2010
Today was Edge Church today. And today's reading comes from Edge's Bible reading plan.
Genesis 41
38 Then Pharaoh said to his officials, "Isn't this the man we need? Are we going to find anyone else who has God's spirit in him like this?"
So there it is. The king himself saying that no one was more qualified than Joseph, a Hebrew slave who only minutes ago was imprisoned, unshaven and smelly (Huiwen :P).
This is the kind of favour that I would want in my life. That God's favour is so obvious that people see beyond my talent to the God in me. Isn't this the man we need?
Coupled with my prophecy, that I will be the top in my field, I will determine not to choose the choice that will draw me away from God. But to seek the one that will draw me closer to God, and probably the one where people will say "Isn't this the man we need?" and they will not only see talent, but a supernatural movement that happens around me because I have God's spirit in me.
Other things that transpired today. The restoration card for 2010. What do I want restored?
My relationships
-friends in Malaysia and SG
My ministry
-cell group
My vision
-to be a teacher
Yup, and today I sort of felt God reassuring me that my ministry/work is to be a teacher, when Pastor Jonathan at Edge was talking about Stephen, how he was a man appointed to distribute food. And it clicked to me that that is what teaching is, distributing the bread of God. But he didn't just do it on his own, he was full of the Holy Spirit and had wisdom and knowledge of the Bible. A fearless man, clear of his vision and willing to pay the price.
So now it's back to something the Divine Mentor taught me, protect the roots. And I'm not going to let another year slip me by. Two things I'm going to focus on,
1 - making a habit of morning QT
2 - maturing into a real man
the story ends like this;
(Thursday, February 25, 2010-)
+3:58 PM]*
# Day 56 - 2010
Galatians 2:20-ish (MSG)
My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God.
It's been a while hasn't it. I guess John Bevere helped me a while, and I will continue to let it change my mindset.
I believe that today's verse brings me back to what Ps Bruce Hills spoke of, the Fear of Man. Once again, John Bevere has helped me to reconcile two things which I found contradictory. And in this case, it's to still honour the man of God, and the church of God, even if I don't believe (or more rightly put, understand) all it is doing.
So yes, the fear or man from Galatians, Paul declares that it is no longer important that he appear righteous before you.
To me, that means that what he does, doesn't have to be what the people like to see, most likely referring to Jewish customs. And how this applies to me is that I don't "behave" like a Christian to let people know that I'm a Christian. Yes, I still live according to the principles and standards of God, but the motivation must never be "to show people how God wants us to live", or to "Set the standard" but the motivation is to honour God. So it doesn't matter if it appears righteous or silly to people.
Secondly, which is more related to the fear of man, is having their good opinion. This was definitely a challenge for Saul/Paul considering he had quite a reputation to erase, and then later, quite a reputation to live up to. To apply to me, it's for me not to seek the approval of man, or in Ps Bruce words, to live in the fear of man. What will they think of me? Will they approve of what I'm doing? Will I look stupid among them? Will I fit in? All these, I believe can be eradicated by what Jesus did. That His work on the cross meant that I die to all these pretense and facades, and now live my life to please, honour, glorify and give the preeminence to Him.
Much easier said than done, and this reminds me of the verse that His mercies are new every morning. Interesting point that it is morning, but that's for another day. For today, it's to remind myself that the confidence and trust that I need for the day comes new every morning, until it becomes a part of me. So there I go, time to pray!
Ooops! Forgot the main part! How obviously careless and rushing of me. Ok let me settle some things mentally first. Yup. Ok here goes.
I am no longer driven to impress God. Let me just put it out honestly. I know that at times, I do try to impress God. I try to do things, just so that God knows that I'm a good Christian. This doesn't happen all the time, but there are times I know I do it, just so that I can get into God's "good books", forgetting that Jesus already placed me there. What I can do however, is to live life according to His principles, not working for blessings. It's really just to live life the way God wants me to, and that pleases Him. A fine line between that, and pleasing God by living it God's way. The very subtle difference is instead of trying to please God through my life, it's just being obedient to what He has said or instructed. It's not about trying to impress or please God. Yes, I know pleasing God is what we're supposed to be doing, but I think at times for me, it's gotten out of hand, into a bad motive or trying to be the "best Christian" or to "impress God". I think in the end, it really does boil down to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" and "love your neighbour as yourself".
As Ps Michael Ross said, obedience comes from loving God. And John Bevere said, honour flows out from our heart, which if is in love with God, will honour Him with our lives.
So in conclusion, it's back to relationship, as it always has been. It's not about achieving or doing, but being. Yes John Bevere made a remark about this line, but for me who usually swings the other extreme, I believe it's necessary to realise this every once in a while, to get back to being on right terms and close relationship with God :)
the story ends like this;
(Saturday, February 20, 2010-)
+6:44 PM]*
# Day 52 - 2010
Wow, it's been 52 days into the Unshakeable year! Things have been shaken actually. And I think Ps Bruce Hills actually nailed the shaking for my life pretty well. The fear of man. The fear of what others may think or expect me to do. This is what has been crippling me, my cooking, my friendships, and even my outlook on exchange. I will re-read my post from Ps Bruce Hills again after I write what spoke to me from today's reading.
2 Corinthians 12
21 Yes, I am afraid that when I come again, God will humble me in your presence. And I will be grieved because many of you have not given up your old sins. You have not repented of your impurity, sexual immorality, and eagerness for lustful pleasure.
So the part that spoke to me was something I struggle with. I know there are those who read my blog, so I shall keep it private. And if you're reading, a "hi" or "how ya' goin'?" to you :)
I guess what would be sad would be for me to return to Singapore, and be the same Kenneth. Yes, convictions should remain the same, but anything that isn't growing is either stunted or dying. And as such, holding on to one of the truths that I had a revelation of, I will ensure that I grow stronger.
Success isn't a destination, it's a journey. And as such, success is found in the journey, not when I arrive. It's about the person I am while going through the trials and not who I am when I achieve my goals. Who will I be willing to either stoop to or rise up to in the journey to becoming more like Christ. Will I lower my standards when no one is looking? Will I hold on to my word as my bond, even when it hurts? Or will I play the "I'm new and nobody knows me" card? Or will I play mind games with myself that I have a long time more, and then stress myself out for running out of time.
It's all in the process. And that's where the success is found. Do not shortchange myself in the journey of becoming a real man. Though it's not easy, no apparent reward, I do this to earn a crown that will last forever :)
the story ends like this;
(Thursday, February 18, 2010-)
+10:45 PM]*
# Day 49 - 2010
2 Corinthians 9
8 And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.
Here's a quick one. Was just quickly typing an email when I mentioned about how finances are a little tough here, but I guess God noticed that thought and spoke to me that He will provide all I need. I will not give because I'm pressured to, but I will give with a cheerful heart, because I love my God and His kingdom :)
the story ends like this;
(Tuesday, February 16, 2010-)
+9:03 AM]*
# Day 47 - 2010
This is one of the rare morning QTs which will have to be less rare from now on!2 Corinthians 7
5For even when we arrived in Macedonia, our bodies had no ease or rest, but we were oppressed in every way and afflicted at every turn--fighting and contentions without, dread and fears within [us].
6But God, Who comforts and encourages and refreshes and cheers the depressed and the sinking, comforted and encouraged and refreshed and cheered us by the arrival of Titus.
Amen. v6 is a new promise that I haven't seen before. Maybe not so much a promise as compared to another identity of God. Not sure if it counts as the Father-heart of God, but it's definitely a side of God I knew always existed but couldn't pin-point in scripture, but now I can :)
I guess it does speak to me, except I don't have the "oppressed in every way and afflicted at every turn" part. But maybe more on the fears within us. I guess for me, it's a good thing cuz it means there's areas to grow in. And with all these fears, I can rest secure that there is a God who comforts and encourages and refreshes and cheers the depressed and the sinking.
Comfort - for when I'm already hurt or downcast. Plainly put, when I'm sad. It just brings an air of easiness, comfortableness, ability to live in a bad situation and not be overwhelmed and consumed by the situation. Though it may not change, it will not need to hurt :)
Encourages - to put courage into. When I don't have the courage to do the things I'm called to do, when I need that extra push, someone to cheer me on, that's my Father :)
Refreshes - When it's been long and boring. When relationship becomes routine, when routine becomes routine. When I get sick and tired of life, studying or even at times, friends. God brings a refreshing touch to life. Pretty cool and happening for God eh?
Cheers - Well said. CHEERS! Haha, not like Huiwen's VJ cheers I bet, but why not either? Fun and vibrant, togetherness and unity, knowing that you're part of the team. God cheers me on, because I'm on the same side as Him. Yeah!
the story ends like this;
(Monday, February 15, 2010-)
+7:49 PM]*
# Day 46 - 2010(2)
2 Corinthians 6
3 We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry
Looks like there was a mistake in the dating system.
Really tired from all the walking about today. And today's word, reminds me to keep my ground and not lose any. For my personal life, I will live in such a way that I will not stumble other people. I guess I already have high standards, but I remind myself of two things, 1, not to judge others, 2 to not be selfish and live for myself.
1. Really simple, and I thank God that the Holy Spirit has been constantly reminding me about it.
2. A little more tough, cuz it's about love. Not just for myself or the things of God, but unselfish love, a love that gives at expense of self for the benefit of others. That no one will stumble because of the way I live. I will not live a lower standard of Christianity so that nobody can degrade Christianity and the power of God to anything less than a relationship with the almighty God.
And then it speaks about ministry. Something I don't really have directly here, but as I read emails and see churches, I've been reminded many times about my ministry back in YA. And God has been teaching me many things, and perhaps one of the practical things would be to send the emails I know I need to.
Time to pray :)
the story ends like this;
(Sunday, February 14, 2010-)
+10:53 PM]*
# Day 46 - 2010
2 Corinthians 5
16 So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now!
17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
Heys there. Want to blog but I seem to always put it off till late. And everyone in SG/MY is always online late, so yeah. Lots of things to talk about.
This was the verse that sparked off one of my major turning points in my life. When authority for victory really spoke to me, and life turned for the more excellent and confident.
I like the simple revelation from this in the NLT version. Just as how Christ was once only known from a human perspective, so we too, were a purely human creation (with a dead spirit), until we belonged to Christ, and now become a new person. Not a refined or restored Adam, but really a new creature, even better than the original Adam. We are now joined with Christ. We now have a supernatural, spiritual aspect to life. And it begins with believing and receiving. Not working and doing. But it grows with hard work and discipline, because the old self too works hard at keeping me off track.
But the main idea here is that no point using the old self to defeat the old self. Discipline cannot defeat ill-discipline. That's why we get a new life, become a new creation, and use our spiritual aspect to fight for us!
Yup, that's the revelation for today, that I'm spirit, and the spirit part fights alongside my body to become the god-man (controversial term I know) that I am created to be in Christ.
the story ends like this;
(Thursday, February 11, 2010-)
+12:17 PM]*
# Day 42 - 2010
Heys all, it's my second day in Adelaide, well, really my first cuz the "first" one was only like 2.5 hours :P
So here goes. Two verses for today. Okay, 3.
12 Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold.
17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
Boldness. This verse speaks about having the boldness that comes from knowing the surety of the new covenant. Surety that it will end in everlasting life, that the Spirit is now with us, compared to the fading and dying old covenant. So this confidence comes from what I have in the new covenant, and not what I must do. And to me, this is a very needed verse for a new place. Exploration day today, so by about 3.30pm, I should be out of here with a mini shopping list, and in a new place, so... yeah!
And the second part is this, the verse where we always say "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." I think we often quote it out of context, but I won't make too strong an argument here, cuz I know many verse are quoted, or rather, applied out of context. Other examples include : I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power, love and self-discipline.
So what the context of this verse is, the Spirit of the Lord is the one that enables us to see past the veil that blocks our hearts from understanding the Old Covenant (which points to Jesus). In other words, the Spirit is the one that removes this veil, so that we can see Jesus clearly, come to His saving knowledge and hence have the confidence boldness and assurance that we are taken care of in this life. So the freedom talked about here is the freedom from the religiosity of the Old Covenant, where the people followed in blindness, hoping to reach eternal life, but praise be to God, whom through the presence of His Spirit in us, has given us freedom from the bondage of the law. Now our relationship is no longer by law and order, but by love and grace.
And so, with our new unveiled faces, we can now SEE God's glory, or I like the word pre-eminence, in all things, and now, as we see how great our Lord is, all we can do is serve Him, by giving him the pre-eminence (reflecting His glory) in every area of our lives. And the more we give Him the pre-eminence, the more He is the center, the more we will become like Him. Pre-eminent, the head and not the tail, above and never beneath, blessed in our coming in, blessed in our going out (which I am about to do soon).
the story ends like this;
(Tuesday, February 9, 2010-)
+2:59 AM]*
# Day 39 - 2010
1 Corinthians 16
7 I don’t want to just drop by in between other “primary” destinations. I want a good, long, leisurely visit. If the Master agrees, we’ll have it!8 For the present, I’m staying right here in Ephesus.9 A huge door of opportunity for good work has opened up here. (There is also mushrooming opposition.)
Hello there.Today's passage is a little different. Instead of how the word speaks to me, it's about how God speaks to me through the word. Most of you would be like, isn't that the same? Well for me it isn't :)
The Message puts it quite clearly into something that is speaking to me. I don't want to just drop by Adelaide, in between my primary destination of Singapore. I want a good, long, leisurely visit. I want it to be a good experience, in quality, a long experience, in quantity and a leisurely visit. Something that I'm quite sure this season is about. Not about human doing, but human being :)
If the Master agrees, we'll have it. And I believe He does. I'll pray about it soon!
For now, this very last few moments, I'm staying here in Singapore, and I will be with you shortly Adelaide!
A huge door of opportunity has opened up here (Singapore) but obviously the shaking from opposition is mushrooming (Shums/Teemo :P) There is lot to be said, but more to be done. So let's get praying :)
the story ends like this;
(Sunday, February 7, 2010-)
+12:10 AM]*
# Day 37 - 2010 (2)
Heys again. I'm writing this to remind myself of what happened in service today. Just the day before I was talking to Roland about how I was still apprehensive about the trip, about the fear of the uncertain, and how I don't like having so many things unplanned. Then today happened.
It was a rather odd time of praise and worship. Not used to our band I guess, but I thought their prac was better in terms of technicality. No I don't mean to criticize for no reason, but I truly think it was so and I would put it down to it being the first time the song was done. But on the more important plus side, the spiritual side it was a mega up. Not all the time, but where it mattered. Especially at the end when Alex ended it, I truly believe it was ended the right way :)
As for the main point of the post was Ps Bruce Hills sermon. In the car, I heard that it was about breaking free from the Fear of Man, and thought it was a good topic, but something I don't really need to deal with.
When he started preaching, it was something else. I totally loved his well prepared, well thought through sermon, no flakiness, good examples, great testimony at the end, wow! And the end where he said to think of one part that really spoke to me personally, I knew God had definitely, even if only for me, sent a Pastor from Australia (no coincidence), who knows people from Paradise Church (no coincidence) and preached clearly about not letting the challenges face me, but me facing my challenges (no coincidence) just after I talked to Roland about my fears of the unknown and unplanned in Adelaide.
So yes, I'm writing this to tell myself how faithful God is, how awesome Ps Bruce Hills is as a servant of God who spoke a definite word in season, and now, I'm having the faith to move onward with my exchange a new quiet confidence, not because the circumstances have changed, not even so much so that I myself have changed, and definitely not because God has changed, but because my perspective of my God has changed. Yup, I will say I left service NOT the same way I walked in.
To God be the glory!
the story ends like this;
(Saturday, February 6, 2010-)
+11:19 AM]*
# Day 37 - 2010
1 Corinthians 14
38 If you won’t play by these rules, God can’t use you. Sorry.
Heys there. Don't really know how long I have, but I'll make it quick.
Yesterday was a long chat about many things, and among other things, ministry and culture. And I guess CHC has something going for them, in the sense of order, because as Paul mentioned, that there is certain order to be kept in the house of God, and if you refuse to abide by it, you cannot be used by God/leadership/rise up, it'll just be a revolution.
On the other hand, we must not be too quick to make culture a pre-requisite for people to be used by God. Unless they walk, talk and dress like us, they can't be part of the leadership. Because the rules Paul laid down are Biblical rules, not just preferred styles. So I guess there are some things that we must play by, and others, for the smooth running of the ministry.
And as for me, I guess the point here is to eagerly desire that which edifies the church. I mean, if we all have the faith to speak in tongues, why can't we have faith for prophecies, healings and miracles?
Yup, that's it for today :) Looking forward to a great service :)
the story ends like this;
(Thursday, February 4, 2010-)
+12:00 AM]*
# Day 34 - 2010
1 Corinthians 12
23 When it’s a part of your own body you are concerned with, it makes no difference whether the part is visible or clothed, higher or lower. You give it dignity and honor just as it is, without comparisons.24 If anything, you have more concern for the lower parts than the higher. If you had to choose, wouldn’t you prefer good digestion to full-bodied hair?
Hi there.It's the second last day of Malaysia. Well, mostly at least. Anyway, today's reading, a few verses stood out. Didn't copy the first, but it was just talking about many kinds of service but the we serve the same Lord. In a way, this revolutionizes how one thinks about ministry. Usually, I think that the more spiritual ministry are like the more power ones. Yes, I am flawed in my thinking. I will think that the more spiritual ones like music team or preaching are the ones where the level of service is higher. Like the "qualifications" must be higher. Yes, granted we don't want false teachers and hypocritical worship leaders, but the point here is that there are DIFFERENT kinds of service, but in all the different servings, we serve the same Lord. Yes the preparation is different. A musician should practice beforehand, but an usher doesn't need to, neither should a projectionist spend an hour projecting lyrics at home in worship. But whatever it is I do in service, be it playing the bass, leading prayer, sound, lights or projection, setting up, ushering or clean up, neither should be seen as a bigger post. It shouldn't even be about bigger or smaller, it's about serving, not being in "this" ministry, "that" ministry or "the" ministry.
And this brings me to my main learning point for today, that it makes no difference what part of the body it is, we should give it dignity and honour just as it is. And I think ministry heads can use this to teach their people that there is no lesser ministry, probably just easier tasks, or tasks more suited for different parts. And in the end, it's really about serving the king. The analogy about having a good digestion and hair does work. Would we rather have 10 instruments and 30-man choir, with no soundman? Or just a worship leader and a guitar, who can be heard perfectly in the whole hall. I could go on, but I shan't. And also, there are certain things that we have to protect, like the doctrine, and not let it be open to "comments" like our atmosphere or ushering system.
Anyway, that was just me and my ministry head talking. The part that spoke to me as Kenneth was the one body, many parts. It's not one church, many parts. It's one body. Emmanuel, CHCKL, Paradise Church, Kingdom City Church, Life Assembly, Just to list the churches I've personally been at, it's still on body. But I guess the many parts reminds me of where "home" is. My home body is definitely YA. Lets put it this way, if i were skin from my hand, I would work as a graft onto the leg if needed, but I'd miss all the skin cells from my hand. And my texture and thickness would just take a much longer time to fit in this other part of the same body.
So yeah, glad that we're still one body. And that I get to see them all again soon!
Thank you Lord :)
the story ends like this;
(Wednesday, February 3, 2010-)
+3:51 AM]*
# Day 33 - 2010
1 Corinthians 11
26 What you must solemnly realize is that every time you eat this bread and every time you drink this cup, you reenact in your words and actions the death of the Master. You will be drawn back to this meal again and again until the Master returns. You must never let familiarity breed contempt.
29 If you give no thought (or worse, don’t care) about the broken body of the Master when you eat and drink, you’re running the risk of serious consequences.
Heys. I know it's rather late, but as yesterday's QT said, others discipline to win a crown that will not last, I will do my spiritual discipline to get a reward that is eternal.
Anyway, before I get started, just had a long chat with Fangs. Pretty interesting stuff. I will be back this Friday. See ya then!
Now on to this. Two verses stood out today. From verse 26, it's the part where it says "You will be drawn back to this meal again and again until the Master returns and from verse 29, "If you give no thought about the broken body of the Master when you eat and drink, you're running the risk of serious consequences."
Firstly, the part about being drawn again and again to this meal. I think it just reminded me of how sinful I am and how I constantly need this meal. That I can be reminded in a non-condemning way of what Jesus did to save me from all my bad stuff. Yes, sin. This has to be the central of my belief, that apart from Christ dying for me, I have nothing. No love of God, no promises of God, no hope, nothing, if Christ hadn't died in my place. Yes, I'm a "criminal" deserving of death. I think criminal now has a new significance considering my cousin who's here to stay for 2 years cuz of sekatan/buang daerah. Crime isn't that far off.
Yes, just to remind myself over and over again, at this meal, that my life that deserved to die, a horrible gruesome neverending death, was spared at the highest price, and over and over again, I must never let the significance of this just go unsaid. I also believe that the lack of an awareness of this causes us to evangelize less. Not because we love less, but because we're too "proud" of who we've become as Christians, and forgetting if not for what Jesus did, just like them, we deserve death. Until the final judgment, I believe we still deserve death. Maybe even after that, but I'm no theologian to dare say.
And this links to the next verse that struck me, that if we give no thought to it, we're in danger of serious consequences. Taken firstly at the point of communion, that when I drink of it like another tradition. Yes, the thought of Christ death, the emblems, it all goes through as routine. But I give no thought to it. The thoughts just come and go, and I'm a passive partaker or participant in the Holy Communion. Sometimes, just cuz I've taken Holy Communion for what, more than 15 years now probably, it's way too easy to give no thought to it.
Taken at the next point, that when we give no thought of the broken body of Christ. Firstly at the point of ministry. The amazing lesson that Ps Tan Ye Peng thought us about being broken for each other. When ministry becomes selfish. Wanting the best manpower, priority, quality and what not. When we're no longer broken for one another, but instead serving our ministries selfishly instead of being broken just as Christ was broken for the church.
Secondly, at the point of daily lives. When I don't even give a thought for what Christ has done. And this manifests in so many ways. In how I don't realise that I'm a sinner and judge people. Criticisms, prejudices and judgments. This all stem from the fact that I don't give a thought for the broken body of Christ that was for all, that I'm nothing special on my own, that apart from Jesus, I'm just as bad as those I criticize, am prejudiced against or am judging. It also manifests when I forget the need to evangelise, when I forget that such an important battle is at stake, that I give no thought that Christ died to empower me to be where I am today. To be in the place of influence. That all His grace, promises and power is made available to me due to his substitutionary act of propitiation (yes that was chim on purpose), just so that I can be broken for others and tell them the Good News. This is just another way where I give no thought to the broken body of Christ.
Yup, end of lengthy thoughts. Time to pray and repent.
the story ends like this;
(Tuesday, February 2, 2010-)
+2:13 AM]*
# Day 32 - 2010
1 Corinthians 10
12 Don’t be so naive and self-confident. You’re not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; it’s useless. Cultivate God-confidence.
Here it is.
The end is coming. For my stay in KL or Asia for that matter. And a whole new chapter is about to begin. Even for my family, things are happening. Jean is in Port Dickson now for her internship. Really a tough life. I'm going to Australia and Lynette is going to start working. Hopefully everything with Shaun works out well with the whole buang daerah issue. 2 years is a long time.
Anyway, the point that reminds me again is what Sherene said, don't lose ground. And that echoes in today's QT. The verse that preceeds the one about not being tempted beyond what we can bear is this. That self-confidence is useless. That we shouldn't be claiming that verse and saying how we won't fall. It's like pointing to the speed limit of 50 km/h at a speeding truck and thinking it won't ram you over and spill you in ways humans shouldn't be. That's exactly it, we shouldn't be destroyed the way temptation destroys us. It was never the plan from the beginning.
And so, back to the point for me is that with all the warnings. I should be careful to keep up my QT and prayer. And the nice quote from Mandy on Facebook, when satan comes knocking on the door, just ask Jesus to get it.
Cultivate God-confidence. Cultivate, not activate. That's what we hope to use in our moment of weakness, like an LoL ability, only to find the "not enough mana" words plastered right below your dead carcass. It has to come from a life of being close to God, knowing that He is with you and that He has your back. It's like being in a lane with a lvl 18 champion at the start of the game. It's choosing to lane with Him and rely on Him to create the openings for victory and not just trying to outplay your opponent.
Okay, that's enough analogies for my own good. Prayer time, to cultivate God-confidence.
Oh and see you guys soon!
the story ends like this;
(Monday, February 1, 2010-)
+1:24 AM]*
# Day 32 - 2010
1 Corinthians 9
25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.
Hello. Sent Jeannette off to Port Dickson today. Not sure how that's going to turn out. Mine's gonna be soon too.
Anyway, before my thoughts wander. Today's reading is pretty straight forward. Spiritual discipline is worth so much more than physical discipline. If I can wake up on time, attend lectures, etc, I definitely must put even more effort for my spiritual life. Cuz it's of eternal value. My knowledge of Christ only grows as I put in effort. It will not magically become complete. I don't believe even at the 2nd coming will everyone suddenly know everything about God. But besides that point, there is an eternal reward. Not $50 that will last a week, but a reward that goes on forever and ever.
That's why I'm going to spend time reading the word and praying :)
the story ends like this;