you typedd*:
(Wednesday, April 30, 2008-)
+11:34 PM]*
# In Memory
I may or may not have met you, but i will still pray ur family comes to know the Lord Jesus.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
That cloud just got bigger today.
In memory if Kio Yuan Xiang. The good fight continues!
the story ends like this;
+12:25 PM]*
# You'll Come
Just one line for the song of the day.
You'll come
Not so much in the sense of God coming into our thirsty hearts once again, but of the blessed hope we have in Jesus. That one day, He'll come.
Come Lord Jesus, come.
the story ends like this;
(Tuesday, April 29, 2008-)
+7:22 PM]*
# Another Day, Another Song
The greatest love that anyone could ever know
That overcame the cross and grave to find my soul
And 'til I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home
I'll trust in You
With all I am I'll live to see Your kingdom come
And in my heart I pray You'd let Your will be done
And 'til I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home
I'll trust in You
I will live to love You
I will live to bring You praise
I will live a child in awe of You
You are the voice that calls the universe to be
You are the whisper in my heart that speaks to me
And 'til I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home
I'll trust in you
You alone are God of all
You alone are worthy Lord
And with all I am my soul will bless Your name
Another song of the day. Love the iHEARTrevolution version. Love the greater emphasis on the beats. Bolds are once again mine, sometimes these things just speak to you more than others.
Not too well done MLE1101... But, yeah... God, U're good (=
Yup, happy to have these songs to listen to (=
I still want my This Is Our God and iHEARTrevolution CDs!! But at least iHEART is on the way... This Is Our God, hope it's better than Saviour King. I think it will be! Heee... anticipation
Celebrations are already on my mind... more of freedom than celebration, but yeah. Hopefully Sunday dinner with Claire and Bec... But before that, sound training with the great Roland (= May be on the music team too. Then also gonna review chem with Kelly.
What else this friday ar? Oh yeah, maybe meet Jiayi too at NUH... but i dun have her contact. Help anyone? I know Vanessa is trembling ryte now! HAHA....
What else.. right... study GEK1506 over the weekend., Heee.. blatantly oblivious to that fact ryte now...
Ok, why so many short paragraphs ar? Cuz my brain isn't quite working right now. Thanks for reading anyways (=
Me, signing off digitally..
Kennette :p
the story ends like this;
(Sunday, April 27, 2008-)
+8:30 PM]*
# Wahh
Mega-stressed now... God help my unbelief...
Blog surfed a bit as i stood a step back out of a very vicious stress cycle. And yup, to those bloggers who are the salt and light of the blogging world, thank you. And see if u can spot whose blog i stole this from! Hehe! Txs for being an encouragement!
Philippians 4:6-7:
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Proverbs 3:5-6:
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Psalm 127:1-2:
1 Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. 2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat—for he grants sleep to those he loves.
Proverbs 16:3,9:
3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
1 Peter 5:7:
7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
James 1:5:
5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
Philippians 4:13:
13I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
I really loved 1 Peter 5:7, Jesus calls us to cast our fears on Him, because He cares. Too simple to some, too comforting for me (=
the story ends like this;
(Friday, April 25, 2008-)
+1:06 PM]*
# Praise You
Song of the day once again
Praise You (Key B)
Mike Guglielmucci - Planetshakers
I will praise You,
Name above every name,
'Cause I'm trusting,
In Your Word every day
It don't matter,
Even what people say,
'Cause I'm walking,
In my promise today
Even when I'm scared,
When I'm in the lowest valley,
I know that You are always there,
I will sing Your praise forever,
I will sing, I will praise You,
I will shout Your name forever,
I will sing, I will praise You
O Praise Him, Jesus, Jesus
Praise Him, All the earth, Praise Him
Yup, just a song that reminds me of the power of praise. When I'm scared, and in the lowest valley, I know, I know that You are ALWAYS there, so I WILL PRAISE YOU
the story ends like this;
(Thursday, April 24, 2008-)
+11:11 PM]*
# *D
Didn't get much studying done today. But at least i finished my physics round one!
That's two smilies.
and yup, jelly making in PGP was cool. Gonna try more physics later tonight!
And to myself, quit being sinusoidal. I need to be squared! So much for being an all rounder...
Oh, and I'm still loving IheartREVOLUTION! But shujing, haven finish synching all yet!! Have u bought the CD yet? And i love hearing the funny pronunciation of lyrics, and even some alterations.
Among the popular are "She is mighty to save" and "wonder how my life lub changed". There's looking at some stars when it's supposed to be sky, but still, the energy of the album is awesome.
Finally, took some time to listen to Free today, I actually quite like Calvary, although it sounds like an Easter Song, but it's nice! Saving Grace is nice too with Glory To God and ... A worship moment at the end.
Oh wait, i already said finally, so this is P.S.? Hope you get into nursing man!! Huikoon and I are waiting for you! And Jayne.... CELL LEADER!! Wooossshhhhh!
the story ends like this;
+2:23 AM]*
# For Now
Im not gonna whine about it. Never give up. Never quit. He is going to be my finisher.
Above All
Paul Nevison – Hillsong London/Jesus Is
{Intro: Bm F#m A E}(x2)
How blessed are those who dwell in Your house,
Who’s lives become roads that You travel
They wind through the valley’s
To the light of the sun
Bm F#m
One day in this beautiful place, to worship
Your house is our home, where our faces
Will shine in the light of the son
{Instrumental: Bm F#m A E Bm F#m A E}
Bm F#m A E
Our God reigns, Our God reigns, Our God reigns Above all (x3)
Looks like there is a song after all. Why am I always talking about songs? Well, if you know the answer, don't hesitate, call 811-50-410 now! What are you waiting for? I love talking about songs! Why? I'll get back to you on that. But still, don't forget to call now, and we'll throw in an extra $10 on your bill! With extra charge!
the story ends like this;
+1:11 AM]*
# Why Am I
Nope, no nice cool song this time. Just wondering, why can't i keep my mouth shut? Some people eat when they're stressed, some study more, some have nervous breakdowns. Me? Why.... Well, it's not like im seriously depressed or anything. But why do i have to do it. Why do I do it to myself?
Memories in life... Yeah, some things you study so hard and yet you forget. Others, u barely try to remember, and it's there. Every single time... Well, in a good way it's there... cuz then i know, or at least should know, not to do it.
Yup, the memories are there to tell me, no, it's not worth it, don't do it. And i do it. Then there are also those memories that tell me, it's not worth it, and, yes, i still do it. And then the best ones are those that tell me, do it.. and i don't..
Why am i built this way? Yes, I know God, that this person here is your masterpiece. But currently, the little part labeled emotion, isn't quite in masterpiece-y condition. So once again, i look back and wonder, why am I? Why am I so fragile? Obviously cuz i choose to be. Why can't I live what I say? Obviously cuz I don't choose to change. Why do I keep on talking? Oh, that i've yet to find an answer.
"And the scars remind us, that the past is real"
Yup, why do I keep doing this to myself. I looked at him and in my heart, man this guy is messed up, and he's so messed up he can't even see he's messed up. Then after my reflection had the time to travel to infinity, slightly further, and then hit me back in the face, i realize, hey, who's that really messed up guy? Oh wait, that's just me.
So let's count. 1,2,3,4,5... wow... and to think im not messed up. Yes, God, u want me messed up rather than not at all, and I thank You for that. I mean the love is really great, I know even right now when I'm typing this, every stroke breaks ur heart even more than what i feel mine is. Yet, why am I such a selfish person? Thinking only my emotions matter.
CE class was right. People say they dun sin because it's wrong, because it's not right, because it's bad, because we'll pay for it. And guess what... I'm just like that, and maybe I need that David moment where God... i don't dare to say it but...
"Break my heart for what breaks Yours"
Yup... rather than not sinning cuz it breaks the heart of God who loves me... I tell myself, dun sin, cuz im a good person... like not sinning makes me any better than the wretched sinner I already am...
"My sin is before me day and night"
Don't sin, u're better than that. Better than? Hello, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. So what now? A pursuit of excellence? Of course, I still believe the value in it. Imago Dei. And currently the mouth part isn't very Imago Dei-ish. And neither is the heart. Well, it's already wicked and full of poison...
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"
Wow im doing it again.. isn't this nice? Yup, currently i not only need a but-sectomy, i need a heart transplant. Oh, with it, if the memories go too, that would be nice. Then again, if the memories go, I wouldn't be able to warn myself and slap myself in the face shouting "don't do it AGAIN"... but then again, even with the memories, the slapping and shouting isn't really helping.
Yup, so let me just recount again, "What I've Done"... 3 and 5, let's see... yup... slapping didn't quite work there... 1 and 4... didn't quite see that one coming... hmmm.. 2?? haha, hope it's not cyclic cuz that would be really bad if it paired with 6. So yeah, so I dun spend 3 hours on the phone. I multiply that through times more.
Oh well... you some people say u just know it when it happens. So far.. i just know it when it isn't happening. And why am i so excited about it? I dunno... guess that's why the past 500 words were written.. Anyway, most of you would be wondering.. what on earth is this rubbish? Well, i guess this is a little insight into my life which isn't all so pretty which i would dare to type on a public blog. For those who think that you wanna talk to me, that's nice, very thoughtful of you, and I'm sincerely grateful, really, for having such a great friend like you (=
but... the reason why nobody really hears about this is .. well.. read above! Why am I? Cuz if you do, no.6 could be around the corner.. unless u're in two variables. Then, i'd also wonder why am I. Haha, doesn't seem like there's a simple solution. Which is also probably why this is about 1000 words by now..
Anyway.. i know it's probably the stress, or lack of it.. and i'll look back in 15 days and wanna delete this post or pretend it never happened. But hey... this is just another one of those memories. U dun mug for it, but it's still there. U mug for E= 1/4piepsilonnaught*mass*e^4/plancksquaredquantumsquared, and u miss the. = 0
Yup, it's one of those times that I look back at myself, and instead of seeing the wonderful things God has done for me, I stupidly choose to see the question marks that are unanswered. God, I know there's a reason, but right now... actually, no, i honestly don't think i'd settle for me to be more like someone else. Though i know im gonna end up needing to slap myself, i still want to be me!
Sometimes, reality comes in the form of a slap on the face... by your own hand =/
the story ends like this;
(Tuesday, April 22, 2008-)
+9:31 PM]*
# Who Am I?
Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt.
Who am I?
That the bright and morning star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wondering heart.
Not because of who I am.
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done.
But because of who you are.
I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow.
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling,
And you told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.
Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love
And watch me rise again
Who am I?
That the voice that calm the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me.
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
'Cuz I am yours.
I am yours.
the story ends like this;
+11:29 AM]*
# Reflections
No, it's not the TJChoir Reflections concert, but rather, a personal reflection. And just something i've noticed over the past few days as well as all my life, is that our personal reflections are often quite distorted.
We often think of ourselves quite far below who we really are. Apart from the fact that we are more than conquerors, the head and not the tail, wonderfully made and God's masterpiece (which we sadly, rarely live in that revelation), there something more simple than that.
We rarely see how precious we are (compounded by the fact that we 1. rarely hear it, and 2. rarely believe it). Well, at least for me, there have been a few people who have been quite precious to me. Who've inspired me a lot, though they never know it. And sadly, because i never tell them, the cycle continues. But im not here to whine about it or feel sad at what a failure i am in this area. Rather, just want you guys to know that you guys are special and important in one way or another or many other ways (=
My family, yup, rarely hear about them here, but they are the ones who i know will never fail me. Yup, i know even closest of friends can fail me. But my family has always been there for me! Even when I forget them
My Malaysian friends. Knowing you guys for almost all my life, it's sort of an unspoken (literally) bond that somehow hasn't broken even though i thought it had. Seeing the pictures on facebook, meeting up with u guys for mamak sessions, really nice! It's something that Singapore can never reproduce. Somehow Malaysia still rocks (=
My Malaysian church friends. You guys never know it but I've learnt a whole lot form you guys. Thanks for setting the foundations and being true friends. Thanks for inspiring me with your dedication although our group was so small. Yup, especially to the INTI CF, you guys are as much a part of the upcoming NUS revival as I am. Thanks for grounding me in the Word of God since my Sunday School days and through YA (not the YA here, the YA there)
My Singapore church friends. Well, i'll hope to just plainly tell you guys directly, that you guys are really and inspiration. Though we're not where we should be yet (like MEGA-POWER-REVIVAL every week, which we definitely can be) I can already see the right spirit in you guys. Keep it up. Yup, i'll try to tell you guys more that you guys matter a lot. The training too, the whacking, sharpening, polishing, it's all worth it.
My JC/university friends, you guys keep me going in uni in more ways than one. From the late night Mastering Physics SOS calls to the crappy lecture jokes. Hope i dun bore you guys to death with my lameness. And in more ways than one, u guys give me the reason to be in NUS, to be a good testimony, a bright light, a salty salt (=
And many others who inspire me, but that's not the main thing i wanted to blog before lunch.
It was more about our reflections of ourselves. I believe many of us have fallen to the trap of "pride". We never look at ourselves and say, yeah, i'm a good bassist, or yeah, im a good leader, or yup, i can really motivate people. We think if we look at ourselves and can praise ourselves, we are proud people. And we end up thinking we're still some lousy person who still needs to grow.
That's where i think some of the leader's frustrations come. Cuz they dun see us like we see our "pride" disorted reflection. We think we're never good enough, we think we are not loved, we think that we still have a long way to learn.
But what I believe the attitude should be is, we should make diamonds out of stone, rather than make ornaments out of diamonds. Meaning, each of us should see ourselves as people who already have the potential and rise up (not directed at anyone, really). We should have the motivation to step up, no matter what "level" we are at. Not wait till we are nice diamonds before we say I'm ready, but rather, we should allow ourselves the "humiliation" of stepping up while we're still raw, uncut stones. As we begin that painful journey, i think we will start to see our true reflection more clearly.
And lastly, i should be studying! Haha, yup, only 4 more days of chiong-ing to go before PC1432. God help me, cuz i know PC1431 was already a disaster yet you saved me. So once again,
"I throw my life, upon all that You are"
Oh, haha, before I go off.... WISHLIST!
-I Heart Revolution CD
-I Heart Revolution Wristband
-Shout To The Lord (1996), (2000), (Platinum Compilation 1 and 2)
-This Is Our God CD
-PlayStation Portable? Haha!
-can't really think of any more material possessions i really want at the moment.. lol...
-my friends to be saved
-revival in NUS
-breakthrough in YA praise
-15 minutes to last till the end of the year!
the story ends like this;
(Monday, April 21, 2008-)
+12:42 PM]*
# Two Psalms
Psalm 84
For the choir director: A psalm of the descendants of Korah, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument.[a]
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
O Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
2 I long, yes, I faint with longing
to enter the courts of the Lord.
With my whole being, body and soul,
I will shout joyfully to the living God.
3 Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow builds her nest and raises her young
at a place near your altar,
O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God!
4 What joy for those who can live in your house,
always singing your praises.
5 What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord,
who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
6 When they walk through the Valley of Weeping,[b]
it will become a place of refreshing springs.
The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.
7 They will continue to grow stronger,
and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.[c]
8 O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, hear my prayer.
Listen, O God of Jacob.
9 O God, look with favor upon the king, our shield!
Show favor to the one you have anointed.
10 A single day in your courts
is better than a thousand anywhere else!
I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God
than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.
11 For the Lord God is our sun and our shield.
He gives us grace and glory.
The Lord will withhold no good thing
from those who do what is right.
12 O Lord of Heaven’s Armies,
what joy for those who trust in you.
Psalm 42
For the choir director: A psalm[a] of the descendants of Korah.
1 As the deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for you, O God.
2 I thirst for God, the living God.
When can I go and stand before him?
5 Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God! Now I am deeply discouraged,
but I will remember you—
even from distant Mount Hermon, the source of the Jordan,
from the land of Mount Mizar.
7 I hear the tumult of the raging seas
as your waves and surging tides sweep over me.
8 But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me,
and through each night I sing his songs,
praying to God who gives me life.
11 Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God!
Just a few notes from me. Reading Numbers for QT, today, i read how the earth opened up and swallowed Korah, the very father of the dude whose sons wrote this amazing Psalms. Korah, along with two other leader-guys rose up against Moses cuz they too thought they could perform the priestly duties assigned to Aaron and his descendants. But they were severely mistaken. Their job was to remain as Levites serving in God's house. That very day, the earth swallowed up Korah and the two dude's families. 250 other rebels were burnt by God's fire and about 14700 died from a plague when they were angry that God killed those 253 men.
What amazed me was the attitude of his (Korah's) sons. They were not bitter against God for KILLING their father. Instead, they found it deep in their hearts to say " I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God ". No longer did they yearn to be highly respected as Priests. No longer did they see their position as Levites in charge of the Tent of Meeting as merely housekeeping jobs. They saw it as a privilege, JUST to be in His lovely dwelling place.
My soul.. it thirsts for the Living God. When can I meet you again? Cell Group? YA service? Or right now? WHEN can I meet with You again God. To be filled by Your love. To know that I'm loved, to know that my future's decided. The sons of Korah were continually at the temple, but they still yearned, like a deer panting for water, their souls longed to be filled by God. Just being in church doesn't change a thing. It's that encounter with God. That encounter that keeps me longing, thirsting for Him
And also it says
What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord,
who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
In another translation, it says
"And how blessed all those in whom you live,
whose lives become roads you travel;"
The joy of the Lord is our strength, but it only becomes our strength when OUR LIVES BECOME THE ROAD HE TRAVELS!
"Im living for this cause,
I lay down my life, into Your hands,
Im living for the Truth, the hope of the world,
In YOU I'll stand,
Cuz all I want is YOU"
yup. something refreshing for the day. This "deer" has gotten a little drink, time for it do do some studying... God bless you if you're reading this!
Be inspired!
the story ends like this;
+1:13 AM]*
# Burst
Somethings feel better after they burst. Like exams. Studying really hard for it. Then when it's over... wow.... The Freedom We Know!
Then of course, there are other things that feel better after it bursts! *winks*
Then lastly, there are things that don't feel so nice when they burst. Like enthusiasm, and spirit. But well, today it hasn't burst yet. Hope to keep spurring people on to Tell The World!
Yup, actually, it kinda burst a bit knowing that I won't be there for the VCF AGM as a member, unless God divinely intervenes. So it kinda sucks, but hey, God knows what He is doing, so I'd better start knowing what I should be doing with my life in the mean time.
Turning 21 soon, but hopefully,... actually, let's scrap that. By the time im 21, I WILL be a better MAN! (not human, man, but male man) Because Manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous! So when i turn 21, i want to truly be a MAN of God, not some guy wandering around looking for the right thing to do, but when I'm 21, i'll be right there, DOING the things Christ Himself would be doing!
Yup, lot's of people to save, and whole big and mighty God to help me. Sounds easy? Well, for God it is (= For me, it's time to have discipline! If I did my 15 minutes for the whole year, i'd have prayed in tongues for about 3.8 days.
Onward!!!! FIERCE is the word of the season!
the story ends like this;
(Friday, April 18, 2008-)
+12:08 AM]*
# Blessed
Was just reflecting back a little about my life. And i realise i've A LOT to be thankful for. My life has truly been one overflowingly blessed by God.
Looking back, in my days at 25, when i was still using dial-up connection. Every minute of being online had to be counted cuz dowan to burst the bill. Now i'm in the land of 24/7 connection.
Used to have a cd-rom that would sometimes work to having my own laptop. From sharing a room in the old 25 to now having my own room in coveted PGP amidst a housing crisis.
Used to be an average student, now blessed in a prestigious uni on scholarship.
From having just a clique of friends in Maluri, whom I still love a lot!! to knowing people from all over..., Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Cambodia, India, China, Mauritius (at least 1 for all these countries) and from different walks of life, TJ, Church, NUSengin, VCF, PGP.
Yeah... more than all these material things, I've come a long way. Correction.. God has brought me a long long long way.
"You picked me up, from the miry clay, You set my feet upon the Rock, and now I know... I love You, I need You, though my world may fall, I'll NEVER let You go. My Saviour, my closest Friend, I WILL worship You, until the very end"
the story ends like this;
(Thursday, April 17, 2008-)
+8:14 PM]*
# Friends
It's been almost a day since the VCF meeting, and things have been quite nice (=
I actually revised my work on my own in my room.
I got in touch with quite a few friends whom I've haven talked to in ages. Let's see
-Chia Ling in US, who's graduating in 4 weeks (jealousss)
-Benjamin Tham who's having a mini reunion with the guys (which i can't go cuz of Bobby)
-Jeffrey who's in Canada like Darren (i dun wanna freeze to death)
-Grace who's chionging for Prelims in US too (prayer list)
-Calvin who visited Jamie and I in NUS (fun tour of NUS)
-Jamie, ok with CalVin for "lunch" cuz Jamie didn't eat (please pester Jamie to eat k if u're reading this)
-Yee May, jz a short chat before lecture but she has exam on Monday (prayer list)
Yup, now to compile a quick prayer list
My friends (3x)
Alwyn's - Edwina, Hui Ping
Fang Xian - Desmond and Sam
Grace - prelims at 1am SG time
Yee May - exam on Monday 9am
Bertrand - thumbdrive in NUS
Shi Jun - NAFA and LaSalle appeal
That's at the top of my head, i shall go and get my dinner now (=
Random rambling - strawberry milk and honey stars don't really go well together (=
the story ends like this;
(Tuesday, April 15, 2008-)
+4:27 PM]*
# Lines
And all the walls are falling down...
Your faithful love, has always, been there, for me,
The greatest love, that I, have ever known...
Jesus, because of You, I'm free...
the story ends like this;
(Monday, April 14, 2008-)
+6:03 PM]*
# Crying Out
Actually more like screaming out. But i guess it's still quite silent eh. Still waters can be quite deceiving eh?
I should start studying soon. Like NOW kind of soon. Actually no, like tonight kind of now. Yup. And still have 15 minutes to go for today.
Hmmm.. what shall i study tonight. Maybe i should start telling myself. Kind of afraid to start maths. Hmmm.. ok, maybe i shall ... darn... lecturer come already.
Ok ok, i shall study part 2 of my physics (= ok, maybe part 3 too (=
God help me
the story ends like this;
(Friday, April 11, 2008-)
+1:36 AM]*
# God Is Good
All the time. Even when I'm not. He is. His words are true. He is the I AM.
Help me? I need to know what You want to say for prayer this week!
the story ends like this;
(Wednesday, April 9, 2008-)
+11:57 PM]*
# Praise and Glory
Just back from cell. Co-led worship with Matthew today. Thoughts for the day
1-My fingers hurt. Noob!
2-My personal choice of arrangements is very different from everyone else.
3-God, are U happy?
4-Im quite in my own world...
5-NUS and church could be nearer
6-I love reading YAmails. We should brand it YAmail®
7-Im tired
8-Im captured by, Your holy calling
9-This Is How We Overcome, Eagle's Wings, Potter's Hand, Salvation Belongs To Our God
10-I can't play guitar and lead. Multitasking noob!
Oh well, it was fun preparing for it. Don't think anyone would know but brought back quite a few memories (=
the story ends like this;
(Monday, April 7, 2008-)
+9:07 PM]*
# Quantum physics
The title sounds as if it's rocket science. Well it's not. It's quantum physics (=
1-Quantum physics is really interesting. It tells us we all have wavelengths. It says light is both a particle and a wave. And men have to be decisive. dots... Well, i was thinking about ways to explain what quantum physics means essentially and I came upon this strange analogy. Musical notes. Each note is like a quantum state. And different songs have different sets of notes. So Here I Am To Worship has it's own set of notes that are allowed in the song. While Draw Me Close To You would have different notes. Each song has it's own notes that are just wrong if u play them. And if u're the bassist, u really shouldn't get it wrong.
Similarly, every note can be thought of as a quantum number. And each song is a different atom with different quantum energy levels. Hence, the sound of each note (the electron) can only occupy certain levels. Hence any note not in the key of the song cannot be occupied. And if u're an engineer, u really shouldn't get this wrong!
Last similarity?

Quantum Energy Levels

Music stave
Get it?
the story ends like this;
(Thursday, April 3, 2008-)
+10:36 AM]*
# Thoughts
Had quite a few random thoughts recently. Some really random and pointless, some, well, read for urself if u wish.
1-Will Google take over the world? Was at my friend's blog yesterday and tagged her shoutbox, and there were ads by Google beside it. It was an NTU advert. Apparently Google owns quite a bit of the world's network (literally, as in, the cables). Hmmmm
2-NUS claims to nurture engineer LEADERS. Not that that's the reason i came to NUS, but apparently this is not what the lecturers feel. I've heard countless times "When you become an engineer and your boss asks you to design....". So who are these Bosses? NUS Biz school? Hi Xiuyu!
3-The Bible is the Word of God. Or is it? The Scriptures is the Written Word. Jesus is the Word made flesh. But what is the Bible we hold today? It obviously does not contain ALL God has said. So the Bible cannot be the COMPLETE Word of God. Or is it? Maybe it's the Complete Word of God, but not the COMPLETE WordS of God. Perhaps the Bible is a subset of the Word of God (which is still being revealed through the Holy Spirit today). The all sufficient but perhaps incomplete Word?
4-How does one determine longitude from a clock? Hope i find out more today at my lecture (=
5-What to wear for U2?Aaahh~~~ *^%#!^&)$@*&$@^%&^%!%$&% .... :D
Ok, that's all for now. Gonna do QT (=
the story ends like this;