you typedd*:
(Monday, October 22, 2007-)
+6:34 PM]*
# FallingIntoTheArmsOfLove
There's something about God that's out of this world. Coming in sad and depressed, but leaving with high spirits. The problems didn't disappear, but the fear did. It's like, being in a different dimension. Weekends rock (=
Okay, now for a long (at least to me) list of birtday wishes..
2 - My Sis! + Pei Fen
3 - Chenyi + Samuel
4 - Anurag
6 - Grace + Winnie
9 - Jiayi
10 - Amanda
13 - Mom!!! (=
14 - Wei Kiat + Wai Sing
17 - Ye Lian + Edwin
19 - Xuewen + Bev
20 - Jacinth + Christabel
21 - James + Jemima
22 - Huiks + Aruna
25 - Jane (courtesy of Tristan)
27 - Chai Luang
30 - Thanh
A quick recap of interesting events. This weekend had musicians sharing, which was great, on Praise as a weapon of warfare (= Bobby keeps rocking the house! And then Saturday I was actually not on duty! So had time to do homework.. Curse curse curse curse.... i mean RECURSION!! Whee~~~!! *NOT!*
Took me so long to understand, thank God for seniors in Emmanuel (a.k.a Bertrand) who enlightened me about the use of recursion. Can you believe it, i wrote a recursive function, but the recursion actually utilized a loop! Can u believe it, like what's the point ryte? Well, after that, i had to re-do the code... Well, so much for my programming prowess... At least i FIGURED OUT QUESTION 4!!!!
Yes, im proud of myself, but really, God helped me a lot with that one.. After about 3 hours of dwelling on the code, I prayed (should have done it much much sooner... *smack*) and after about 20 more minutes of thinking, i got it! Haha.. but alas, there was a simpler version given by the tutor.. but at least it's just one line difference (=
Okay, back to the chronology of things. Saturday YA was really really really superbly awesome!! Rachael was superb with the band, love the songs, love God even more!! Yup, and the "sermon" was on reaching out to our muslim brothers and sisters. It was wow...
Let me dwell on this a little longer. Those who think that people are predestined to die and go to hell, think again. We watched a testimony of how some muslims actually decided to seek God with all their heart, not specifically Jesus, but just sought after the truth, and Jesus revealed Himself to them. Some saw Him in dreams, some in churches, but those who sought GOd really did find Him. The Bible is true. Seek and you SHALL find. God shows no partiality, He really loves everyone the same, it's whether we love Him and seek Him as much as He does for us.
And it also reminded me how important my daily testimony is. Like simple things I do everyday, it reminded me that it does have an impact on people's life. When Jesus said that by this (having love for one another), all men will know that you are my disciples, He was really right. Cuz those people did see a difference in the Christian attitude and behaviour. Challenges me to be even saltier and brighter.
That was awesome.. and we had an awesome preaching by Pastor Mark on Sunday about the 3rd type of soil, that chokes us, and needs weeding for us to produce fruit. Yup, really true once again. Yeah, that was nice. And then we celebrated James' birthday at pizza hut!
Firstly, James had to solve a sudoku puzzle to figure out where his celebration would be. It served the purpose of stalling him as well while the place was being set up! Cool eh? Then we also had 20 muffins with Happy Birthday James on it, with football players, grass, football and liverpool logo. Then we also had our very own special party hats! With "I Love James" on it, u know, the loan advert one! So cooooll!!
Yup, we also gave him a book with a happy birthdya musical thingy, and our notes. Yup, a nice mini celebration!! Then now im in Sennett once again cuz i forgot to take my tuition grant form. But it gave me the time to blog.
Oh oh! before this i was at Harbourfront Starbucks with James and Jayne. Used my $5 voucher form the T-shirt design competition from YA Camp! James also got me the 20% staff discount. And i stil had to pay 1.80for my Chocolate Cream Chip Venti frap! But it was nice!! No whip cream thank you!!
Haha, yes, it's a nice drink, only for a treat though, cuz it's like drinking liquid gold, no platinum. Ok, wanna go off now... bus 10 back to NUS soon..Labels: Birhtdays, James, recursion, soil, Starbucks
the story ends like this;
(Friday, October 12, 2007-)
+1:23 AM]*
# LEoutFT
Be in the world, yet not of the world.
Be holy, for I am holy.
Failure is my fault.
Guilt, my responsibility.
Move on. I need a > F / m && α > τ / I
the story ends like this;
(Tuesday, October 2, 2007-)
+12:19 AM]*
# My Sis Birthday!
Heys! Wanna wish u happy birthday, and know that i will be praying for u, ur SPM and ur life. God will bless u, God will give u hope and the best future!!!
Always nice to have u around at home (= Yup, miss u especially cuz it gets lonely here in Singapore too. NOTHING can ever take the place of family, and u're that special. Don't forget, u're infinitely more precious to God too.
Love u and a very blessed 17thLabels: birthday, Jeannette
the story ends like this;